Εlected Assistant Professor, (currently Teaching and Research Associate), Laboratory of Soils and Agricultural Chemistry, Department of Natural Resources Management and Agricultural Engineering,

Agricultural University of Athens (AUA)

Dr Orestis Kairis received his BSc degree in agricultural sciences (2001), his MSc degree in sustainable land management (2003), and his PhD degree in land degradation and desertification (2015) from the AUA. Since 2015, he serves as a Teaching & Research Associate (co-teacher) in the Laboratory of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry at AUA, participating mainly in the following courses: Soil Science/Fertilization, Applied Soil Science, Degradation and desertification of lands, Soil mapping and methods of soil surveys. He has been elected Assistant Professor in the field of Soil Mapping and Soil Evaluation since June 16, 2022.

He has participated as agronomist or researcher in 18 EU-funded or financially supported by the Greek State research projects. His research experience and expertise are in soil mapping, soil quality evaluation, soil erosion risk assessment in the field and by using simulation models, soil environmental sensitivity assessment through complex and simple indicators and in statistical analysis of biophysical indicators related to land degradation. He has authored/co-authored 16 papers in peer-reviewed journals (Scopus: h index 9, citations 508), a book chapter of an international publishing house and a treatise of the Academy of Athens.

Recent publications:

Kairis, O.; Karamanos, A.; Voloudakis, D.; Kapsomenakis, J.; Aratzioglou, C.; Zerefos, C.; Kosmas, C. Identifying Degraded and Sensitive to Desertification Agricultural Soils in Thessaly, Greece, under Simulated Future Climate Scenarios. LAND 2022, 11, 395. https://doi.org/10.3390/land11030395

Gasparatos, D.; Kairis, O. Detailed Soil Survey Field and Laboratory Data as a Critical Tool for Optimizing the Arable Cropping Capability Evaluation of a Representative Episaturated Soil Pedon in Greece. LAND 2022, 11, 182. https://doi.org/10.3390/land11020182.

Georgiadis, N. M.; Dimitropoulos, G.; Avanidou, K.; Bebeli, P.; Bergmeier, E.; Dervisoglou, S.; Dimopoulos, T.; Grigoropoulou, D.; Hadjigeorgiou, I.; Kairis, O.; Kakalis, E.; Kosmas, K.; Meyer, S.; Panitsa, M.; Perdikis, D.; Sfakianou, D.; Tsiopelas, N.; Kizos, T.; 2021. Farming practices and biodiversity: status quo evidence from a Mediterranean semi-extensive system on the island of Lemnos (Eastern Aegean, Greece). JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 2022, 303, 114131, ISSN 0301-4797, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.114131.

Kairis, O.; Aratzioglou, C.; Filis, A.; van Mol, M.; Kosmas, C., 2021. The Effect of Land Management Practices on Soil Quality Indicators in Crete. SUSTAINABILITY 2021, 13, 8619. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13158619.

Kairis, O.; Dimitriou, V.; Aratzioglou, C.; Gasparatos, D.; Yassoglou, N.; Kosmas, C.; Moustakas, N., 2020. A Comparative Analysis of a Detailed and Semi-Detailed Soil Mapping for Sustainable Land Management Using Conventional and Currently Applied Methodologies in Greece. LAND 2020, 9, 154.

Karavitis C., Tsesmelis D., Oikonomou P., Kairis O., Kosmas C., Fassouli V., Ritsema C., Hessel R., Jetten V., Moustakas N., Todorovic B., Skondras N., Vasilakou C., Alexandris S., Kolokytha E., Stamatakos D., Stricevic R., Chatzigeorgiadis E., Brandt J., Quaranta G., 2020. A desertification risk assessment decision support tool (DRAST). CATENA. 187. 104413. 10.1016/j.catena.2019.104413