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Welcome to DT AGRO

Spatially Explicit Digital Twin of the Greek Agro-Hydro-System 

The project’s overarching idea is to exploit the extensive expertise and information from previous and ongoing research activities of the research team to develop a spatially explicit Digital Twin of the Greek agricultural and hydrological system (DT-Agro) that will act as an effective tool merging at various scales (from farm-parcel to regional and country scales) the main components of the water-soil-food-environment-energy nexus..

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Main Ambition

The main ambition of DT-Agro is to combine recent developments in the simulation of the various components of the Agro-Hydro-System and the recently available Earth Observation open data sources with novel approaches and scientific advances on digital twins to promote their use as operational tools in Agriculture.

Main Components
  • Spatially distributed continuous hydrological modelling. Hydrological balance components will be simulated in interaction to agricultural activities. 
  • Agrohydrological modelling involving water flows and storages in the soil plant atmosphere continuum 
  • Crop growth - crop production in interaction with climatic, soil, and farming practices factors 
  • Vegetation dynamics for naturally vegetated areas and non-agricultural areas 
  • Carbon stocks and fluxes in agricultural and naturally vegetated / forested areas 
  • Nutrient balance with emphasis on agricultural land and grazing lands. 
  • Erosion and soil degradation 


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