Assistant Professor, Geoinformatics and Spatial Analysis in Agriculture and Environment, Agricultural University of Athens, Dep. of Natural Resources Management and Agricultural Engineering, Lab. of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry

Dr. Soulis is an Agricultural Engineering and has received his Ph.D. from the Department of Natural Resources Management and Agricultural Engineering of the Agricultural University of Athens with an expertise in Geoinformatics and Hydrology. His main research and teaching subjects are: Geographical Information System (GIS), Geospatial Analysis, Hydrology, Environmental Hydrology, Hydrological Modeling, Hydrometry, Agricultural Water Management, Irrigations, WRM, and Geographical Information System (GIS) applications development in the fields of WRM, Hydrology and Pedology. From 2007 up to now, he is the author of 49 peer-reviewed articles (21 as the first author and 3 as the sole author) in leading peer reviewed international journals and 48 peer-reviewed publications in national and international conference proceedings as well as of various books, studies, and professional articles. His work was cited 1139 times in Scopus up to now (h-index 18); 1139 times in Web of Science (h-index 18) and 1676 times in Google Scholar (h-index 21). He has one Patent granted and he served as a reviewer in 64 international journals.

He has worked as a scientific partner in several projects conducted by AUA, by the Soil Science Institute of Athens of the National Agricultural Research Foundation (N.AG.RE.F.), by the Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES), and by the School of Mechanical Engineering of NTUA.

Dr. Soulis serves as an Associate Editor at the Hydrological Sciences Journal, which is one of the leading and most historical peer reviewed journals in hydrology. In 2020 he received the best associate editor award in Hydrological Sciences Journal for his outstanding overall contribution.

He is also a member of the editorial board of Remote Sensing journal and Journal of Mountain Science, and a Guest Editor in the Journals Water, Remote Sensing, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, Drone, Land, Geomatics, and Agriculture. He was recognized as a top peer reviewer in Publons and has received a Scholarship for research on the fields of remote sensing and GIS applications in agriculture (National Scholarship Foundation – 1998, after successful exams). In 2021 he was listed among the top 2% of scientists in the world for 2020, (Baas, Jeroen; Boyack, Kevin; Ioannidis, John P.A. (2021), “August 2021 data-update for “Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators”)

In 2022 he received the “Digital Governance Award”, by winning the first prize in the Ministry of Digital Government’s Annual Competition in the category entitled “Best New Idea” for the thematic category “Public Administration, Self-Government and Justice”, as team member and co-author of the Project entitled: “Digital dynamic and multi-level rural map with assisted ranking of agricultural land in productivity categories”.

Finally, he has worked as evaluator of European Research Projects Proposals and European Research Projects implementation.

Profiles in research databases:

Scopus Author ID: 23398632200 (

Google Scholar:


Web of Science ResearcherID: B-4750-2014 (