Assistant Professor, Remote Sensing in Agricultural and Geological Applications, Department of Natural Resources & Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural University of Athens (AUA)

Dr. E. Psomiadis holds a PhD in “Remote Sensing & GIS techniques for the evaluation of Environmental and Geomorphological Coastal Changes” from the Department of General Sciences, AUA. Also, holds a BSc in Water Resources Management, and an MSc in Environmental Management from the Department of Natural Resources & Agricultural Engineering, AUA. His main research and teaching interests include Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems, and their applications in the fields of Agricultural, Geology, Environment, Geomorphology, Natural Resources and Natural Disasters.

He is the author of 29 peer-reviewed articles in leading peer reviewed international journals and 30 peer-reviewed publications in national and international conference proceedings as well as of various books, studies, and professional articles. He has worked as a scientific partner in more than 50 International and National Research Projects conducted by AUA, Hellenic Mapping and Cadastral Organization and Private Companies in the fields of Geoinformation, Remote Sensing, Geographical Information Systems and Geospatial analysis.

In 2021 he was listed among the top 2% of scientists in the world for 2020, (Baas, Jeroen; Boyack, Kevin; Ioannidis, E – “Development and Implementation of an Innovative and Economic System for the Precise & Dynamic Programming of Irrigation and the Monitoring of Crops”, within the Framework of the National Scope Action: “RESEARCH-CREATE-INNOVATE”.

– 2018-2019. Scientific responsible for the project “Research for the evaluation of the impact of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) agricultural development program in water use efficiency. Hellenic Ministry of Rural Development and Food.

– 2015-2018. Remote Sensing and GIS Specialist in the project “Farming tools for external nutrient inputs and water management (FATIMA) / Horizon 2020 /Sustainable Food Security / Call: H2020-SFS-2014-2, Scientific responsible for AUA.

The most recent and relative to the proposal peer-reviewed Publications are the following:

– Efthimiou N., Psomiadis E., Papanikolaou I., Soulis K.X., Borrelli P., Panagos P., 2022. Developing a high-resolution Land Use/Land Cover map by upgrading CORINE’s agricultural components using detailed national and pan-European datasets. GEOCARTO INTERNATIONAL, DOI: 10.1080/10106049.2022.2041107

– Darra N., Psomiadis E., Kasimati A., Anastasiou A., Anastasiou V., Fountas S., 2021 Remote and Proximal Sensing Derived Spectral Indices and Biophysical Variables for Spatial Variation Determination in Vineyards. AGRONOMY, 11(4), 741.

– Alexandris S., Psomiadis E., Proutsos N., Philippopoulos P., Charalampopoulos I., Kakaletris G., Vassilakis S., Papoutsi E-M., Paraskevopoulos A., 2021. Integrating drone technology into an innovative agrometeorological methodology for the precise and real-time estimation of crop water requirements. HYDROLOGY, 8(3), 131;

– Soulis, K.X.; Psomiadis, E.; Londra, P.; Skuras, D., 2020. A New Model-Based Approach for the Evaluation of the Net Contribution of the European Union Rural Development Program to the Reduction of Water Abstractions in Agriculture. SUSTAINABILITY 12, 7137.

– Psomiadis E., Diakakis M., Soulis K.X. 2020. Combining SAR and Optical Earth Observation with Hydraulic Simulation for Flood Mapping and Impact Assessment. REMOTE SENSING. 2020; 12(23):3980.

John P.A. (2021), “August 2021 data-update for “Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators”). In 2022 he received the Digital Governance Award, by winning the first prize in the Ministry of Digital Government’s Annual Competition in the category entitled “Best New Idea” for the thematic category “Public Administration, Self-Government and Justice”, as a Scientific responsible for the Project titled: “Digital dynamic and multi-level rural map with assisted ranking of agricultural land in productivity categories”.

The most recent Scientific Projects that participates are the following:

– 2022-ongoing. Scientific responsible for the “Development of a prototype approach methodology with modelling tools and creation of a geospatial database for the grading of agricultural land in productivity qualities and its classification in productivity categories”. Municipality of Attica & Agricultural University of Athens.