Objectives: Pilot application of DT-Agro in Greece, calibration, validation and general evaluation of the digital twin, and assessment of historical and current conditions and future scenarios including climate variability and mitigation and adaptation strategies based on the initial results of DT-Agro application.

Description of Work: Initially, extensive data collection activities will be performed targeting on existing data from databases and local irrigation organizations on water consumption, crop production, hydrology, and soil properties that will be used in parallel with data coming from EO. The collected data will be evaluated for consistency and accuracy. DT-Agro will be set-up and applied all over Greece at farm parcel scale, based on previous experience of the research team and previous successful applications of AgroHydroLogos. DT-Agro will then be calibrated, evaluated, and improved. Finally, a complete set of outputs will be created and stored in the spatial database for historical, current, and future conditions.