Objectives: The main objective of this WP is to maximize the impact of the project and to enable the pathway of transition to digital and sustainable agriculture through well selected dissemination and communication activities. This is in accordance with SO.5.

Description of Work: WP6 will popularize DT-Agro project activities, outputs, and results among relevant stakeholders in Greece, in EU and internationally with a set of activities including publications, website, social media, international and national congresses, and press and media channels. Target audience will not be only the scientific community, but also authorities, practitioners, farmers, and the public. It will also make DT-Agro outputs and outcomes accessible and usable by scientists, practitioners, and relevant public stakeholders through open and easy access to all related results and outputs of the project using various channels such as online data access, web GIS, open code, documentation. It will also facilitate policy, societal and commercial utilization of AgroEcoAfrica project results at local, national, and EU levels by the provision of specific examples and by communication and presentations to interested parties and authorities. In this way it will achieve the maximization of the impact of the project.