Professor in Land Evaluation, Geographical Information Systems and Spatial Analysis,

Land Resources and Agricultural Engineering Department, Agricultural University of Athens (2005 – today). Lecturer in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) at the Department of Economics and Regional Development at Panteion University of Social and Political Science (2002 – 2004). Visiting Assistant Professor at Democritus University of Thrace, Department of Environmental Engineering (2000-2002). Adjunct Professor (teaching Soil-Climate System & the Vine), Department of Oenology & Beverage Technology, Technological Educational Institute of Athens (1993-2018).

Education: Graduate (1983), M. Sc. (1989) and Ph.D. (1991) Agricultural University of Athens. Publication Record: 18 books and books chapters, 50 refereed journal articles, 75 refereed conference papers, over 60 conference papers and abstracts. Funded research activity: 55 projects supported by EU (DG Regio, Interreg, ESPON), Greek authorities and private companies (projects on GIS, Spatial Analysis and Land Evaluation). Selected publications: 1. Kalivas, D., 2003: “Soil science – Evaluation of soils, location-based climate conditions and wine”, ION Publishing, Athens (In Greek), ISBN 960-411-336-4. 2. Kollia, V., Kalivas, D. and Triantakonstantis D., 2012, “Geographical Information Systems”, EMBRYO Publishing, Athens (In Greek), ISBN 9789608002692. 3. Kollias, V.J. and Kalivas, D. P.: “The enhancement of a commercial geographical information system (ARC/INFO) with fuzzy processing capabilities for the evaluation of land resources”, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Vol. 20 (1998), pp. 79-95. 4. D.P. Kalivas, V.J. Kollias: “Effects of Soil, Climate and Cultivation Techniques on Cotton Yield in Central Greece, Using Different Statistical Methods”, Agronomie, Vol 21 (2001), pp. 73-89. 5. V.J. Kollias, D.P. Kalivas & N.P. Yassoglou: “Mapping the Soil Resources of a Recent Alluvial Plain in Greece Using Fuzzy Sets in a GIS Environment”, European Journal of Soil Science, Vol. 50 (1999), Νο 2, pp. 261-273. 6. D.P. Kalivas, V.J. Kollias, G. Karantounias: “A GIS for the Assessment of the Spatio-Temporal Changes of the the Kotychi Lagoon, Western Peloponnese, Greece”, Water Resources Management, Vol 17 (2003), pp. 19-36. 7. J.H. Assimakopoulos, D.P. Kalivas, V.J. Kollias: “A GIS-based fuzzy classification for mapping the agricultural soils for N-fertilizer use”, The Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 309, issues 1-3 (2003), pp. 19-33. 8. M.G. Mardikis, D.P. Kalivas, V.J. Kollias: “Comparison of Interpolation Methods for the Prediction of Reference Evapotranspiration – An Application in Greece”, Water Resources Management, Vol. 19 (2005), pp: 251-278. 9. Kalivas D.P., G. Economou, and C.E. Vlachos: “Using geographic information systems to map the prevalent weeds at early stage of cotton crop in relation to abiotic factors”, Phytoparasitica, Vol. 38 (2010), pp.: 299-312. 10. A. Papadopoulos, D. Kalivas, T. Hatzichristos: Decision support system for nitrogen fertilization using fuzzy theory, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture (2011), Vol. 78 (2), pp.130-139.