Special Technical Laboratory Staff, Laboratory of Soil Science. Agricultural University of Athens


September 1994. Graduated from the Department of Natural Resources & Agricultural Engineering of the Agricultural University of Athens.

May 2000. Graduated with honors from the Master’s Program of Studies (MSc) of the Department of Natural Resources & Agricultural Engineering with specialization: “Environmental Management”.


2002 – Present. Agricultural University of Athens. Department of Natural Resources & Agricultural Engineering. Laboratory of Soil Science.

Management of the digital and hard-copy map-library

Support for undergraduate and postgraduate theses on topics related toGeographic Information Systems (GIS).

Auxiliary teaching of G.I.S. laboratory exercises.

Participation in several research programs (MEDALUS, TERON, etc.) as responsible for creating and managing geospatial data using GIS.

2004 – 2011 Creative Image Technologies S.A. Scientific partner in subjects as: Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Location Based Services (LBS), Fleet Management applications, Web GIS applications.

2004 – 2007 Agrogi S.A. Technical consultant on GIS projects and responsible for training staff in the use of GIS software.

2001 – 2002 Panafone – Vodafone. IT Department. Responsible for the creation and management of GIS data.

2000 – 2001 Epsilon International. Εmployee of the GIS department. Participation in the following projects: “Mapping the Natura 2000 areas of Western Greece”, “Creation of the National Environmental Information Network”, “Creation of mountaineering maps for the most important mountains of Greece”, “Creation of a GIS application for the Hellenic Post Offices (ELTA) – Optimizing postmen routes”.

1996 – 2000 Agricultural University of Athens. Department of Natural Resources & Agricultural Engineering. Laboratory of Soil Science.

Participation in several research programs as responsible for creating and managing geospatial data using GIS.


15 publications in international peer-reviewed journals and 1081 citations of these publications.